The Magic of Manganese
Manganese is a trace element required by the body for many important processes. I mean what nutrient isn’t and like iron like copper like zinc manganese is a metal and when I hear the word trace mineral, I generally associate it with a mineral that people don’t really talk about when discussing nutrition.
A lot of stuff hits the mainstream this one doesn’t possibly because severe deficiency is rare but it is safe to say that standard American and United Kingdom dieters don’t have optimal levels of any nutrients, so manganese isn’t an exception especially when you consider what we need for optimal health and this is one of the minerals that the carnivore diet doesn’t have enough of

Foods with Manganese
Certain shellfish do have decent amounts of manganese and those other elements that the carnivore diet is deficient in but for the most part manganese is specific to plant foods and even so shellfish is so toxic and polluted you don’t really want to use it for any source of nutrients unless it’s from a really specific location ocean or sea that is known for having minimal pollution levels.
No one eats wheat germ it’s like a by-product of wheat processing tofu is tofu its poisonous sweet potatoes aren’t good for most people pine nuts are okay but they’re super expensive brown rice is typically high in arsenic lima beans regional hard to access chickpeas kind of okay like are you eating hummus though spinach too many anti-nutrients although spinach might be okay for some people.
Pineapple however is a pretty realistic food to consume but again very seasonal usually high-quality organic is expensive it’s hard to get and they aren’t super concentrated in manganese and are you digesting it as well that’s why supplements are a little bit easier because it’s so concentrated you know you’re absorbing it.
You can deduce if pine nuts have a lot of manganese other nuts probably do as well if your diet is balanced and you’re consuming nuts and grains on a frequent basis you probably have enough manganese in your body for maintenance levels even in my diet where I’m eating pasta and Macadamia nut butter, I’m getting enough manganese.

The problem occurs when your liver is dysfunction Ing your digestive system doesn’t work properly and you can’t actually absorb the mineral from the food so the raw tards a lot of people love to say oh get your nutrients from food get your nutrients from food yeah well if your digestive system isn’t working and you’re not absorbing them you can’t get it from food.
Broadly speaking manganese is needed for bone formation reproductive, and immune system health, blood sugar regulation, cellular energy digestion, wound healing metabolism for intracellular activity, it’s a cofactor for many enzymes involved in those processes we just mentioned.
Development, digestion, reproduction, antioxidant, defense energy production, immune response, regulation of neuronal, activities the beneficial effects of manganese are from its incorporation into metalloproteins simply proteins; that contain at least one metal ion copper zin. Manganese all being metals functions of these manganese metalloproteins include all of those enzymatic processes that we mentioned one of those metalloproteins is crucial for scavenging reaction oxygen species and mitochondrial oxidative stress and that basically means inflammation increased levels of oxidative stress.
Equal inflammation that ultimately led to metabolic diseases that we know; diabetes, obesity and heart disease; despite manganese being one of the more needed minerals in the body our tissue concentrations are fairly high compared to other minerals deficiency in medical literature is incredibly rare on the contrary manganese excess in a condition known as magnesium is pretty well documented. But again, there are no actual cases reported from diet which doesn’t make much sense manganese is used in herbicides pesticides sprayed on crops people eat a lot of whole grains there’s manganese and multivitamins you would assume someone had to overdose on it at some point so there’s got to be some type of fluke there because the only reported cases of manganese toxicity are you know specific occupations.
Where they’re exposed to metals at unsafe levels mainly welders certain people removing different materials off walls without proper you know ventilation and masks now my issue is that these researchers have these crazy understandings of biochemistry.
There is focus so much on the manganese toxicity why is it happening what are the symptoms trying to deduce food sources and pollutants without realizing it’s about the big picture. In this case calcium iron and magnesium play critical roles in manganese metabolism and this is why manganese deficiency manifests itself on a carnivore diet carnivore is very high. In iron with very little calcium and magnesium the three main minerals that are symbiotic with Manganese are way off in the context of an only meat diet and the bigger problem there is probably a magnesium deficiency as opposed to calcium or too much iron so manganese just becomes very depleted, as well as some other minerals that I’ve mentioned.
In the past on a carnivore diet so not everyone’s carnivore what about a standard American diet it’s lacking whole foods those higher quality grains nuts and seeds and I would speculate the average person would benefit greatly by incorporating more of these foods into their diet especially organic and would also see a substantial boost by taking a manganese supplement.
One or two different minerals that you’re deficient in combined with a high-quality organic diet based around whole foods and then over the course of several months that should fix everything You can supplement using MSM Manganese.
Signs of Manganese deficiency: Bone demineralization and poor growth in children, skin rashes, hair depigmentation, decreased serum cholesterol, and increased alkaline phosphatase activity in men; and altered mood and increased premenstrual pain in women. If you have these symptoms kindly consult a doctor.
Visit our website to view our range. Vegetarian and vegan friendly supplements especially our MSM+ Manganese range for everyday supplementing. The below product is suitable for Vegans and Vegetarians.

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